Jinnah College of Nursing Abbottabad

جناح کالج آف نرسنگ ایبٹ آباد

Dr. Muhammad Azhar Khan Jadoon

Message From President PEPS

Profession of Nursing is as old as the history of illness and sickness and has a pivotal role in healthcare system. At present there are about 100,000 nurses working in Pakistan. Unfortunately, nursing profession in Pakistan remained deprive of due attention and respect by different stakeholders and faced different challenges to meet the international standards in academics and skills development amongst nurses. In this context Pakistan Nursing Council has a great role to streamline the induction, training, monitoring and examinations of nurses all over Pakistan. New nursing colleges are opening and nurses have opportunity to improve their qualifications by getting admissions in Masters in Nursing and Doctorate in Nursing study programs. With the establishment of Jinnah College of Nursing (JCN) after having Women Medical & Dental College, Abbottabad, Women Institute of Learning and Rehabilitation Science, Abbottabad, I feel pleasure to invite all the students intending to join nursing education programs such as BSN, Post RN and Post Basic Nursing Diploma program. Jinnah College of Nursing is fortunate to have Jinnah international hospital and DHQ hospital for the training of its students. I warmly welcome all students who have decided to serve the ailing humanity and have chosen Jinnah College of Nursing for their professional studies.